API Tokens

What is an API Token?

An API token, also known as an access token, is a small piece of code that acts as a unique identifier that allows users to use UtilityAPI's API and automate sharing of utility data with other applications.

How do I create API Tokens in UtilityAPI?

API tokens can be created in the API settings located in the dashboard settings. To create a new API token, complete the following steps: 

  1. Log in to your UtilityAPI dashboard and click on settings in the upper right-hand corner;
  2. On the setting page, scroll down to the API settings section;
  3. Click on the "Create another API token" link and then on the blue "Create API Token" button. 

After clicking the "Create API Token" button, a new API token will be created and set to active. To view the API Token, click on the show dropdown. We recommend users create a new API token for each application or integration they are connecting their UtilityAPI account with. 

How can I disable my API Tokens in UtilityAPI?

Users can disable API tokens at any time or set them to expire at a specific date in the future in the API Settings. To disable an API token immediately, complete the following steps in the API Settings:

  1. Click on the "show" dropdown next to the API token you wish to disable; 
  2. Click on the pencil to the right of the expiration date and time; 
  3. Click on the "expire now" link. 

To modify or extend the expiration date of your API token, complete the following steps: 

  1. Click on the "show" dropdown next to the API token you wish to disable; 
  2. Click on the pencil to the right of the expiration date and time; 
  3. Click on the "calendar" icon and select the date you want the token to expire. 

By default, all API tokens will expire ten (10) years from the created date. 

How do API tokens work in UtilityAPI?

API tokens provide users and connected applications with full access to all existing and future. API tokens also provide users and connected applications with full permission functionality, including creating new data requests, managing authorizations, and collecting utility data.


We cannot create partial or optional API tokens that enable activities such as viewing but not editing or having access to only specific authorizations. 

How do I use an API token to collect customer utility data?  

To learn more about our API, check out our API Docs and our quick start guide:  https://utilityapi.com/docs/quickstart

How do I share an API token with another application?

To share an API token with another application, complete the following steps: 

  1. Log in to your UtilityAPI dashboard and click on settings in the upper right-hand corner;
  2. On the setting page, scroll down to the API settings section;
  3. Click on the show link next to the API token you want to share with another application; 
  4. Highlight the API token, right-click it to copy it, and input it into the application you are integrating.

We recommend users create a new and dedicated API token for each application.

Can I share an API token with another UtilityAPI user?

Yes, UtilityAPI users can share API tokens among themselves without requiring special permission from the UtilityAPI team.

Sharing an API token with another user creates an integration between the two accounts and enables the API token-receiving user to complete all actions with an API endpoint on the API token-sharing user account. These API endpoints include but are not limited to downloading already collected data, creating new data requests, and collecting utility data from new authorizations.

To enhance security and enable quick disabling of the API token, we recommend the API token-sharing user create a new API token dedicated to sharing data with an API token-receiving user.