What is the UtilityAPI Aurora Solar integration?
The integration allows mutual platform users to seamlessly pull customer interval data from UtilityAPI into Aurora Solar projects.
Need to sign up for an Aurora Solar account? Click here to sign up for an Aurora Solar account.
How does the integration work?
See the video below for a demo of how this integration works.
How do I connect my UtilityAPI account to my Aurora Solar account?
Step 1: Create or retrieve your UtilityAPI API token.
The UtilityAPI Aurora Solar integration uses an API token to integrate or "connect" the two platforms together. Users can create a new API token or retrieve an existing API token from their API settings in the UtilityAPI dashboard.
Click here to go to your API settings to create or retrieve an API token.
We recommend creating a new API token for the Aurora Solar integration at the admin user level. This will enable users to disable the integration without impacting other workflows and ensure all customer data is available. Click here to learn more about API Tokens.
Step 2: Connect your UtilityAPI account to Aurora
Once you have your UtilityAPI API token, you can log in or return to Aurora Solar and complete the following steps.
- Navigate to Settings > Apps
- Find the UtilityAPI app and click on "Connect."
- A pop-up box will appear that says, "Connect your UtilityAPI account." Input your UtilityAPI API token and click "Connect."
- Once the integration connection is successful, it will say "Connected" under integrations.
I've connected my accounts; how do I use the integration?
Interval data is pulled from UtilityAPI on a meter-by-meter basis by matching either the property address or the Service Address ID (SAID) to an existing Project in Aurora Solar. To enable the integration, complete the following steps:
- Select the Project or create a new Project you want to pull data into.
- Navigate to "Energy usage"> "Input method" and select "UtilityAPI" from the dropdown menu.
Click "Select" to confirm this is the correct meter and initiate the pulling of interval data.
Aurora's software will automatically match the Project's property address to an account's utility bill address in UtilityAPI. If it doesn't automatically match, you can search for the meter's Service Account ID (SAID). For the integration to work, interval data must be collected and available on UtilityAPI.
Can I get other types of data besides Interval data with this integration?
No, this integration only supports interval data. Please note that a meter must have at least 2 months of interval data associated with it to successfully populate into the Aurora Solar platform.
What if there are multiple meters under one address?
You can search for the correct meter by SAID in the search bar next to the input method.
Why can't I see my data request in Aurora?
UtilityAPI data may not be populating for a project due to various reasons, such as:
- There is no data associated with the meter. To fix this, click the "Get Data" button next to the meter you want to collect data. Once UtilityAPI has collected the data, make sure there is at least 2 months of Interval Data associated with it. Click here to go to your API Dashboard and activate the meter.
- A utility customer's homeowner authorization is pending. Click here to view the status of a customer authorization .
- Interval data is not provided by the customer's meter or utility. Click here to see our interval data coverage by utility.
- Technical issues or offline status affecting your UtilityAPI account. Click here to contact UtilityAPI support.