Free monthly data collection

What is included with my free monthly data collection?

Every UtilityAPI account receives one free data collection per month, regardless of type (historical, monitoring, or refresh). The free collection is applied to the first collection of each month initiated by an account admin or any approved sub-user.

Admins can track which collection was free by visiting Payment Settings .


How can I view my payment history and free monthly data collection?

To view your payment history and identify each month's free collection complete the following steps in your account dashboard. 


Step 1: Go to Settings and navigate to the Payment Settings section  

Step 2: Next to Usage History, click the hyperlinked "Click here to see payments and usage"

Step 3: Search for the date of the first collection made in any given month. The description for that collection will read "FREE (first collection per month): 1 Meter" followed by the type of collection. (i.e. HIstorical, Refresh, Ongoing Monitoring)



Not registered for a UtilityAPI account? Click here to register and use your first free monthly data collection.