You have several choices of pricing options, ranging from pay-as-you-go to discounted, flexible prepay packages that meet your business needs. There are no long-term contracts! You're free to change your plan whenever you want. If you are having a busy month, feel free to move up to a larger package, and if things start to slow down, you are welcome to go right back to your smaller package (or not — credits are good for a full year after you buy them. Check out our prepay packages here.
UtilityAPI is a data service company. We charge for the service of collecting data per meter, rather than for the data itself. Our base price is $15 per meter.
If you get a prepay package, the more you pay up front, the bigger your discount from the base per meter price will be.
A ideal standard data set is a year of monthly billing and interval data, if available. However, we consider a data collection to be successful and will charge you if any monthly billing data is collected. It may or may not include intervals.
We charge for for initial historical data collections and for manual refreshes/ongoing monitoring. A full break down of charges by plan type may be found on our pricing page here.
Data from Silicon Valley Clean Energy, Peninsula Clean Energy, Fort Collins Utilities, Consumers Energy, and National Grid (upstate New York) is free!
Why you may not get a full year of data
Data collections may not cover a full year and/or have gaps if the account holder has not been at the property for a year, if the utility is missing data or other technical reasons. The data set may not include intervals if the utility company doesn't provide intervals, if a service has been stopped, or the account does not have a smart meter. There may be other technical or utility-side reasons as well.
If you have any questions about pricing or charges issued to your account, please submit a support request using the link in the header.