How to revoke access (and what happens when you do)

UtilityAPI is founded on the belief that your utility data belongs to you. You can choose to authorize data sharing, and you can revoke that authorization at any time. Visit our DataGuard page for complete privacy information. 


How to revoke an authorization, and other actions you can take online

Use the link on the emailed receipt sent to you when you first authorized data sharing. These actions are easy and immediate, no questions asked, no phone calls or emails needed: 

Revoke Access UAPI

  • You can control the duration of your authorization and access to your utility data.
  • You can revoke your authorization to share data at any time.
  • You can delete the access details and utility data we collected for you at any time.


If you can’t find your emailed receipt of authorization, or if you have any questions, you can always submit a support request using the link in the header. Optional but helpful information to include in your email: your utility service address, and the name of the company/ies you authorized. 


What happens when you revoke an authorization to share data

When you revoke an authorization, UtilityAPI instantly

  • forgets any login credentials you have shared
  • clears your data from all meters, and 
  • deletes all bills and intervals associated with your authorization.

What if the company you authorized has already downloaded the data?

If the company/ies you authorized downloaded the data before you revoked your authorization, you’ll need to contact them directly to ask them to delete your data as well.