What’s changing with PG&E’s website?
PG&E is launching a new online account that will require all utility account holders to complete phone number-based multifactor authentication (MFA) when logging in.
Click here to go to PG&E’s website and learn more.
What can I do to prepare for this change?
Notify your customers in PG&E’s service territory about the change and encourage them to confirm their phone and email by logging into their online account.
Here’s the link where they can do that: https://m.pge.com/#login
How will this change impact data collections made via UtilityAPI before this change?
This change will not impact data collections made before PG&E makes this change.
How will this change impact data collections made via UtilityAPI after this change?
If your customer has not confirmed their contact information before PG&E rolls out these changes, they may lose access to their utility account, and we will be unable to make new collections.
Again, we strongly recommend that you notify your customers about the changes to PG&E’s website and encourage them to confirm their contact information as soon as possible.
Here’s the link where they can do that:https://m.pge.com/#login
If your customer has confirmed their contact information, they will still need to verify their identity via a new phone number-based MFA solution, which we will release within days of the change. Once your customer completes this new MFA process, their account will be re-linked to our platform, and we will be able to collect data on your behalf.
Click here to learn more about our MFA solution for other utilities .
How often will my customers need to verify?
Your customers should only need to complete this verification process one time. Once they’ve verified via our MFA solution their account will be re-linked to our platform and we will be able to collect their data on your behalf.
***Please note this depends on PG&E’s policies and requirements and may change in the future. ***
What happens if my PG&E customer doesn’t verify?
If your customer doesn’t verify their account through our MFA solution, it won’t be linked to our platform, and we won’t be able to collect data on your behalf.
Will this impact data collected from other utilities?
No, this change only applies to PG&E data collection. Other utilities are not impacted.